1·The optical coupler is widely applied in the experiments of information optics because of its simple and flexible operation.
2·A Raman optical pump source 208 that generates a Raman optical pumping signal is optically coupled into the optical fiber span 206 with an optical coupler 210.
3·These resonance-enhanced shifts of the transmitted light beam may lead to potential applications in the optical devices, such as optical switch and optical coupler.
4·To deal with the problems in the experiment, the current foldback, optical coupler insulation and electromagnetic shielding was used to optimize the laser's performance.
5·The optical coupler 424 launches the Raman optical pumping signal in a direction that co-propagates with the optical data signals that are generated by the optical source 402.
6·The characteristics, basic circuit, and working wave pattern of transistor type optical coupler and its function in electronic control unit of hydraulic discharging machine were introduced.
7·Aiming at the noise jamming problems in acquisition of small current signals, an isolation and acquisition board for current signal is designed based on HCNR201 high-linearity analog optical coupler.
针对电流小信号采集中存在噪声干扰的问题,采用高线性度模拟光耦hcnr 201设计了电流信号隔离采集板。
8·The effect can be used to realize special functional devices in optical networks, e. g., optical clock distribution and multi-waveguide coupler, etc.
9·Secondly, coupling theory of optical fiber and the application of optical fiber coupler in optical system are introduced.
10·Light from the laser goes through the optical circulator, and is divided into the sample and reference arm by the fiber coupler.